Labnovation attended SIEHM 2015


Labnovation attended SIEHM 2015

Time: 2015/5/19| Font:BigMediumSmall|
 LABNOVATION attended SIEHM 2015 held in Alger, Algeria from 14 to 18 May 2015. We showed kinds of IVD products as below and got lots of attention from visitors worldwide:
1. Automated HbA1c Analyzer LD-500 and Reagents (Ion-Exchange Chromatography method) 
2. Rapid Test Products (cTnI / Myo / CK-MB, cTnI / Myo, cTnI / H-FABP, cTnI, H-FABP, NT-proBNP, PCT, PCT / CRP) 
3. Automated Hematology Analyzer (5-diff)
4. Hematology Reagents (for all kinds of 3-diff and 5-diff hematology analyzers)
5. Clinical Chemistry Reagents (for Beckman Coulter, Hitachi, Olympus, Toshiba, Mindray etc. )
6. Electrolyte Pack
7. Wash Solution
8. Urine Reagents