Labnovation offers a complete range of hematology reagents such as Diluent, lysing reagents and cleaners for the majority of hematology analyzers on the market including 3-part differential and 5-part differential models. We provide reagents for below ABX hematology analyzers

Hematology reagents for ABX analyzers


Labnovation offers a complete range of hematology reagents such as Diluent, lysing reagents and cleaners for the majority of hematology analyzers on the market including 3-part differential and 5-part differential models. We provide reagents for below ABX hematology analyzers,



Pentra60, Pentra80



Horiba ABX Pentra120, WBC 5-part differential
Cat No Description Pack Size
L-0901020 DILUENT-P 20L
L-0204050 BA-LYSE 5L
L-0206010 EO-LYSE 1L
L-0902010 α-LYSE 1L
L-0903010 CLEANER-P 1L
L-0401005 CLEANER-C 500ml
Horiba ABX Pentra60,Pentra80, WBC 5-part differential
Cat No Description Pack Size
L-0901020 DILUENT-P 20L
L-0906003 BA-LYSE 2 1L
L-0206010 EO-LYSE 1L
L-0906004 α-LYSE 400ml
L-0903010 CLEANER-P 1L
L-0401005 CLEANER-C 500ml
Horiba ABX Micros60, WBC 3-part differential  
Cat No Description Pack Size
L-0802020 DILUENT-M 20L
L-0702010 M-LYSE 1L
L-0403010 CLEANER-M 1L
L-0401005 CLEANER-C 500ml